"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by, AND that has made all the difference" The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

DREAMING IN ENGLISH. Are you dreaming in English yet?

WELCOME!!! This is a bit of a challenge for me!!! This blog is intended for all audiences. I hope you enjoy and get the most of it!!!

Here you might find resources to help you navigate the muddy waters of English. The humble aim of this blog is just to keep you in touch with different types of English and different aspects of the English culture , to increase your curiosity about English through many different fields.

Licencia Creative Commons
Are you dreaming in English yet? por BE se encuentra bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Unported.

domingo, 17 de junio de 2012


The warmest of the seasons is about to come and with it the holidays we all are looking forward to..... With the good weather, sun and the longer days we start to forget all the heaviness of the past months and we start to feel relieved, livelier and with energy to do whatever we want.
In my case, I will find myself at the beach.... the waves crashing in all around help me clear  my mind. Watching the relentless force of the water is amazing and at the same time relaxing for me.... What about you, what are your summer plans?

I HOPE  you all have a good summer wherever you go, or whatever you do and take this summer as a good opportunity to use the English you´ve learnt throughout the year and put into practise all the different structures, vocabulary, formulae you´ve been working with .
Congratulations to all those who have passed English and the other subjects too. Those who have to study in the summer don´t panic and don´t despair,take it easy and you will have time for everything!!!

I would like to say THANK YOU  to all the students of APL 1 for their work throughout the year ( especially to all those who have worked in the blog with their comments, recordings, and contributions at home and in class because you´ve helped me a lot make things easier) and also to my students of 1º A for their enthusiasm with the blog activities, class activities  and their extra energy (  even though sometimes it was too much and difficult to cope with.... I must confess.... ).


5 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

I don't find your e-mail, where do I look for it? I'll be doing the exercises during this week and I'll send you the voicethreads by email. I'll tell you when I'll have everything done maybe you can tell me if I forgot to do something. Thank you. Beatrice Dolca.

BE dijo...

hi, my mail it´s on the profile. On the right where it says personal data. Yes there are some tasks you haven´t done and in the final mark i have to take into account everything, from the first term to the third term. In your case, as you have missed many classes it is really difficult to evaluate you and do a continous assessment that´s why in the end you have failed. I know you have a very good level but you haven´t done many role plays, presentations, blog activities and so on.
I have given a handout to all the students who have failed the subject with the things you have to do to pass the subject in september. Apart from the activities and recording you haven´t done, you also have to do a presentation about the olympics (in the handout you have more information)and you will have an oral exam, similar to the one you did in june.
Any doubt, ask me and send me an e-mail.

Anónimo dijo...

I can't see the e-mail I've already looked for it and I didn't find anything that's why I asked. Could you post it here? I would do the woicethreads here but I'm at a cybercafe and the background noise is horrible so please post your email here because I don't know why it doesn't appear, at least for me, in personal data. Thank you.

Anónimo dijo...

I have done all of the exercises I just have to send you the recordings and I think I did everything.

BE dijo...

you can do the recordings in the voicethreads you have in the different posts.
Remember that in september you have to do a presentation as well, apart from the oral exam. (You have more details in the handout you have beeen given in june)
Any doubt write to b_astur@hotmail.com