Everything starts with the falling leaves and the colours of the autumn season at the background. Juno is drinking tons of Sunny D and she takes at least 3 pregnancy tests to discover she is pregnant. We have already discussed about her decision and talked about her character. She makes up her mind and decides not to have an abortion. In the end, she decides that giving the child for adoption and get on with her life will be the best.
Everything takes place without tears and in general the tone of the movie is fun, jolly and not dramatic at all.
Have a look at the following activities. They are related to some parts of the movie you have already seen. Try to complete questions, vocabulary and think about some questions related to the characters.
Describe the different events that happen in Juno´s life during her pregnancy according to the 4 seasons: Autumn, Winter, Spring. Summer.
Talk about this and the following questions in the voicethread below:
- What is the conflict in the movie?
- What are the complications the main characters face in reaching their goals? Do they get them?
- How is the conflict resolved in the end?
- What is the theme of the movie? is it a pro or con abortion movie?
- Describe the couple Loring.
- Compare both families
- Describe the relation existing between Juno and Mark. What do they have in common?
- How is the relation between Juno and Vanessa? Do they get on well?
- How is the relation between Juno and Paulie Bleeker? How does it change throughout the film? How is the idea of love presented in the film?
- If you were Juno and Bleeker, what would you have done?
(to do a warming up activity have a look at a a previous post: teenage pregnancy. You can watch the trailer of the film and work with several questions to introduce the topic)